How does microneedling work?

Microneedling works by encouraging your skin to make more collagen. The pinpricks from the procedure cause slight injury to the skin and the skin responds by making new collagen-rich tissue.

This new skin tissue is more even in tone and texture. It’s common for the skin to lose collagen with age or injury. By encouraging the skin to make new tissue, additional collagen may help make the skin firmer.

Microneedling may also be combined with topical serums, radiofrequency, and platelet-rich plasma. A dermatologist can help you navigate the decisions regarding additional treatment options and their estimated costs.

Microneedling involves a trained medical practitioner using a handheld device to create hundreds of microscopic needle impressions in the skin on the face or body. As the treatment pen is passed over the face, it creates microinjuries and prompts the derma, a deeper layer of skin, to mount a healing response, delivering a natural collagen boost. The tiny channels in the skin made by the needles also allows for deeper absorption of topical treatments after treatment.

What is microneedling good for?
As well as general rejuvenation, microneedling is an effective treatment a range of different skin concerns, such as:

  • Decreased skin elasticity
  • Enlarged pores
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sundamage
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Acne scars

Are there any risks or side effects?

Like all cosmetic procedures, microneedling carries some risks. The most common side effect is minor skin irritation immediately following the procedure. You may also see redness for a few days.

  • Targeted areas for microneedling
  • Microneedling is most often used on the face.

In addition to facial concerns, microneedling is sometimes used to treat stretch marks in other areas of the body. One studyTrusted Source found that microneedling was effective for stretch marks on the thighs and abdominal area when combined with fillers.

Scarring on other body parts may also be treated with this procedure.